How to promote AutoWebSurf for benefits
For all of these benefits you must be active surfer.
1- Make a video not less than 2 minutes. Explain how to use our site as a user to get traffic and how to earn through referral, Introduce the control panel and show how to add a website and use other features.
Depending on quality up to 30,000 Credits will be awarded for EACH VIDEO every month until your Video remains on your channel..ÂÂ
2- Write a professional blog with screen shots of autowebsurf and explain benefits include your referral link to earn more.
Depending on quality up to 20,000 Credits will be awarded for EACH BLOG every month until your blog remains on your personal domain.
 3- Post in forums, (No Spam) Must abide forums rules. Introduce our site and explain website traffic benefits in your own words.
Depending on quality up to 20,000 Credits will be awarded for EACH FORUM POST one time.
Do all of above 3 and we'll upgrade your account to "PROMOTER" This is almost "Premium" level membership. and this is permanent account as long as you are promoting. You must report us every month in order to keep your member ship active or receiving monthly credits rewards
In Premium account you get 20K and in Promoter account you get 50K
In Premium account you get 40% referral cash and in Promoter account you get 30%
Rest of the benefits are same as Premium.
If you are using other ways to promote then let us know and get rewarded..